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The WebAllergen Protein Database

Allergy and other hypersensitivity reactions have become major causes of chronic health problems in developed countries. With advances in genomic technologies, there is a rapid increase in allergy-related data, including allergen sequences, allergic cross-reactivity and clinical measurements. WebAllergen database provides allergen characterization information which includes the structure and epitope of allergens in microbes, animals and plants. There are 2,939 specific allergen information readily available in the database such as on allergens in rice microbes (722 records), animals (853 records) and plants (1,364 records). Furthermore, this database provides bioinformatics tools for allergenicity prediction. Users can search for specific allergens using various methods and can run tools for allergenicity prediction using three different methods.

NABIC have developed an allergen database with three main features: (i) allergen list with structure and epitopes; (ii) searching of allergen by keyword and sequence information; and (iii) computing methods for allergenicity prediction.

misc pollen house dust mite
-SEM of miscellaneous plant pollens.
[origin : wikipedia]
-The house dust mite, its feces and chitin are
common allergens around the home.

[origin : wikipedia]

Group Category Number of allergens
NABIC New(2020-03-31)
Plants Foods 600 151
Pollen 461  
Latex 40  
Others 4 108
Total 1,105 259
Animals Foods 79 94
Mammals 27  
Insects 175 12
Mites 148 59
Rodents 39  
Worms 66 2
Others 83 69
Total 617 236
Microbes Fungi 213 10
Bacteria 499  
Total 712 10
Total 2,939 2,434 505

- Overview of allergens in the WebAllergen database